Deal Registration Program Terms and Conditions


  • Registering partner must be an authorized reseller. Click here to apply if not authorized.
  • Minimum quantity of 100 units per SKU/PO (exceptions apply for roll-out opportunities).
  • Opportunity will close within 90 days (Extensions may be allowed as necessary).


  • All fields must be completed on the deal registration form.
  • Our team will send notification of approval/denial within 2 hours of receipt of complete deal registration form.
  • Request for quote will be sent to preferred distribution partner(s) within 2 hours.
  • Distribution partner will provide quote within 24 hours.


  • Full sales support through the duration of the opportunity provided to assist with winning the opportunity.
  • Approved deals will receive special pricing discounts, based on the total units registered, to assist with competitive bids.
  • First Partner Approval:
    • Tier 1  –  100-499 units
    • Tier 2  –  500-1,499 units
    • Tier 3  –  1,500-4,999 units
    • Tier 4 –  >5,000 units, manager approval
  • Secondary partner submissions for the same opportunity, based on the end user and products registered, may qualify for a discount but at one-half of the discount awarded to the first partner approved.
  • Protected pricing for 90 days. An extension may be allowed upon request.

Reasons for Denial

  • Registering partner is not an authorized reseller.
  • Opportunity does not meet the 100 unit minimum order quantity.
  • RFPs and contracts are not eligible.